Saturday, July 27

Author: Ashley

What Does Makeup Contain?

What Does Makeup Contain?

The fact that makeup and cosmetic products contain chemicals is hardly anything new. We know it is far from natural. But how does that really affect us? Do we know what we put directly on our skin? There is makeup that is okay to use, which is vegan and natural. Then there is makeup that is packed with unnecessary substances that actually do more harm than good. There have been many and lengthy discussions about whether or not makeup can be carcinogenic. Many well-established makeup companies pay expensive sums to keep harmful substances in their products. One substance that has previously been banned in makeup is the substance PHMB, which is often used as a preservative in makeup. Even though the subject is not illegal today, the experts still advise against using it. The experts st...
Makeup Tips to Make Yourself Look Younger

Makeup Tips to Make Yourself Look Younger

Most people who do their makeup look a little older once done. It is not easy to look younger after makeup. On the other hand, you look prettier and more alert by makeup. When you brush under the eye marker, you often raise your entire eyes. If you make up your hair with a coat around your eyes, they can look very much more defined. If you apply lipstick, you look more attractive as it is attractive to look fertile. Those who have red lips have good blood circulation and therefore women look more fertile if they have rosy cheeks and red lips - an old instinct for men to see who looked sick, or healthy. All women who looked healthy - and thus able to give birth to healthy children - became attractive. Women who looked pale and pale looked sick and the men instinctively chose the si...
Top Tips for Perfect Eyelashes

Top Tips for Perfect Eyelashes

Have you always wanted to have eyelashes like movie stars, models or singers? You do not need to spend a fortune on beauty treatments. You can get perfect eyelashes with home-made tricks and tips that are more than effective. All you need are some tools and makeup. Read more in the article below. Eyelashes help draw attention to your eyes and also give you a more sensual and provocative look. There is no doubt that beautiful lashes can arouse passion wherever you go. Five steps for perfect eyelashes Use mascara Mascara has a great influence on your appearance. Always choose a high-quality variety with natural ingredients to moisturize and care for your eyelashes. It should also be easy to wash at the same time as it should not disappear too quickly. Keep the mascara in a cool and rel...
How To Do a Natural Makeup

How To Do a Natural Makeup

Simple and natural makeup is perfect to have in your everyday life. But it can be difficult to really get to that natural look. Here we give some tips for a natural yet flawless everyday makeup. 1. Get and use the right products The key to beautiful makeup is to use only the most essential products. Applying too many layers of makeup just gives an unnatural result. If you are red around your nostrils or dark under the eyes, cover these problem areas with a concealer, rather than a thick layer of foundation all over your face. Concentrate on the areas you want to cover. Use the right products for the right purpose. 2. Choose the right foundation You may not need a covering foundation at all, but just an unpainted day cream. But if you want to use a foundation, make sure to choose the...
What Eye Shape do You Have and How to Do Your Makeup Accordingly

What Eye Shape do You Have and How to Do Your Makeup Accordingly

Make-up based on their eye shape is something that more and more people are becoming aware of. Knowing your eye shape can make it easier for you to know what shape your eyeshadow can have to best flatter your features. But how do you find out? In this makeup school, we will teach you how to see the difference in different eye shapes and what distinguishes them. Remember that you can always have a combination of several eye shapes and that of course, you can make up your eye shape just the way you want! What you should think about What you should first look for is whether you have an eye fold or not. A fold is the place where your eyelid meets the brow bone and creates a crease. If it is visible then the next step is to check if it is visible when you look straight ahead in the mirror. ...
How to do Contouring According to Your Face Shape

How to do Contouring According to Your Face Shape

Skin Care
Do you want to highlight or hide your lines? We show how to easily contour your face depending on face shape. Check out the guide and become a real professional on enhancing the face's lines and shapes. Oval face shape If you have an oval face, the forehead is wider than the chin. Since your face is symmetrical, you should invest in highlighting your features. Define your face shape by using a darker color along the forehead, temple, and jawline. Apply bronzer or powder that is 2-3 shades darker than your own skin tone with a Buffering brush. Highlight your cheekbones by sculpting with a Sculpting brush like this one. Paint just below the cheekbones to get depth. Then finish with highlighting on the top of the cheekbone, under the eyebrow and on the chin. Round face shape Round f...
A Guide to Getting Perfect Eyebrows

A Guide to Getting Perfect Eyebrows

Many think it can be complicated to get good looking and even eyebrows in a smooth and relatively fast way. Just as with everything, practice makes perfect and the same goes for makeup. But using good and decent products is really a good start. Here we go through step by step how you can do to succeed with your eyebrows Start by brushing through the brows so that the hairs fall into place. For this, use an eyebrow brush. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "veloce09-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "search"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_default_search_phrase = "eyebrow brush"; amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "70c7b7f6e782701bea28c320d149d2e1"; amzn_assoc_design...
How to do Eyebrow Makeup Guide

How to do Eyebrow Makeup Guide

Eyebrows! There are many of us who who broke them down plucked them to make them small in the 90s according to the trend. Eyebrows are more important to the look than you think. The eyebrows are the ones that frame the whole face. If you have no eyebrows it can easily look like the eyes are flying up in the ceiling. The eyes that are such a striking detail in our faces need to be highlighted with a pair of eyebrows. So they are important, very important! In addition, it is the cheapest facelift you can do, to take care of our eyebrows. It lifts an incredible amount to remove the hairs that grow far down the eyelids and actually shape the brows. If you can't do it yourself, there are fantastic salons that can help one. Now you should get a little guide on how to get a pair of good ...
7 Tips to Remove Makeup in Seconds

7 Tips to Remove Makeup in Seconds

Skin Care
Avoid the temptation to be lazy - remove the makeup at the end of the day! It is important to counteract skin problems as it allows the skin to breathe and renew itself while you sleep. One of the most important things in any beauty routine is to remove the makeup every night before going to bed. Most women use cosmetics and makeup to accentuate their faces, but when it comes to removing makeup, we are often lazy. Long days at work or coming home exhausted after a party or date; these are some of the most common excuses for skipping this important step. It may seem harmless to forget, but it can have consequences for your complexion that becomes more apparent over time. Clogged pores and lost luster are some of the immediate effects of not removing the makeup. Even in the long run, i...
How to Succeed with Makeup Contouring!

How to Succeed with Makeup Contouring!

Sculpt and Define. Contouring has been (and still is) incredibly hot. A fairly widespread topic, but still topical and something many do daily, both at work and in private. You can do an incredible amount of light and shadows; highlight, shrink and hide areas of the face. How, then, should we go about doing so? Here is a quick guide to how you can easily achieve the result of a vibrant and healthy complexion. Contouring emphasizes and improves, with a result that in daylight still gives a natural look. How to do Makeup Contouring No matter what type of skin, skin color, age or face you have, you need to start by moisturizing your skin with moisturizing products. The makeup is distributed more easily and evenly if it is moisturized. The next step is the foundation. One of the most c...