Saturday, July 27

Health + Wellness

How To Adopt a Balanced Lifestyle After Finishing University 

Health + Wellness
    Just finished university and struggling to find a balance between work and play? Let's face it, time at university produces some of our unhealthiest periods, with drinking and fast food accepted as the norm, you might be struggling to fall out of your youthful habits. Upon leaving university, many ex-students say the same thing. It can be so difficult to find a balanced lifestyle when all you have known is pot noodle meals and excessive drinking. Well, all of that is about to change as you enter the real, working world.    The hardest part about a balanced lifestyle is maintaining it. Your friends might tempt you to an after-work drink, however this should all be done in moderation. In this blog, we will share exactly how you can implement better lifestyl...

5 Simple Habits to Incorporate into Your Daily Routine for a Healthier Lifestyle

Health + Wellness
In our bustling lives, making significant lifestyle changes often seem like an uphill battle, especially for fitness beginners eager to take the first steps toward a healthier self. However, the foundation of a healthier lifestyle isn’t built overnight, nor does it require drastic changes. Instead, it's the small, daily habits that pave the way toward lasting wellness and vitality. Understanding the importance of these seemingly minor adjustments can be a game-changer. Here’s an overview of five simple habits that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine and have a profound impact on your health and well-being. 1. Wake Up and Wind Down Consistently One of the cornerstones of a healthier lifestyle is getting adequate, quality sleep, complemented by incorporating stretching i...

Which Foods Are Necessary for Improving AMH Levels? 

Health + Wellness
  Anti-Mullerian Hormone is a hormone produced by the developing follicles in the ovaries. This hormone plays a key role in the development of the baby. AMH levels decrease as the age of a woman increases naturally. The normal range of AMH levels should be between 2.20-6.80 ng/mL. Higher AMH levels mean more eggs and a higher ovarian reserve whereas lower AMH levels mean fewer eggs and a lower ovarian reserve.    Higher AMH levels aren’t always a good thing they may be high in some people with polycystic ovary syndrome. When a female faces difficulty conceiving, a fertility specialist may advise an AMH Test and may also suggest some foods for improving AMH levels. So, if you are facing a low level of AMH, you can add a few foods to your diet to improve AMH levels and...

6 Common Injuries: Prevention and Recovery

Health + Wellness
Whether or not you’re an athlete, we’re all susceptible to injuries, especially as we age. You know the benefits of hiking and other physical activities, but physical activity can lead to pain. At the same time, a sedentary lifestyle can lead to injuries, so there’s no real way to prevent injuries throughout our lives.  Many people get injured on a daily basis from everything from sports to regular activities like walking their dogs or doing chores. A few of the most common injuries include the following: ACL Tears ACL tears are common in athletes, but they can happen to anyone who is active and suddenly stops or changes direction. When you fall victim to this injury, your knee feels like it pops, making it quickly swollen and painful.    Walking after an ACL tear...

How to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally? 

Health + Wellness
  If you have been trying to conceive for the past year but have not been able to conceive, then you may have a lower testosterone level. Your body must have optimal testosterone levels so that your fertility does not get affected. Testosterone affects many aspects of your reproductive health. In males, symptoms of lower testosterone levels are loss of muscle or bone mass, decreased sex drive, problems in maintaining erection, lack of concentration, and obesity.    Lower testosterone levels are not only responsible for your sex drive but it is also responsible for your deeper voice, male hair growth patterns, and muscle mass. Let’s understand that what are the ways through which you can enhance testosterone levels naturally.  Consume Healthy Diet    ...

Understand the Most Common Complications of Pregnancy 

Health + Wellness, Healthcare
If you are pregnant and want to conceive a baby but wondering about the complications then worry not because we are here to tell you about the pregnancy complications in detail. Well, a pregnancy complication means any common disease during pregnancy or a condition that affects the pregnancy. Early detection of pregnancy complications gives early relief and enhances the chances of successful pregnancy.    Congenital Disorder    A congenital disorder is a condition in which a child's health and development are impacted. The fetus has a congenital disease shows a higher risk of complications during pregnancy.  if you’re pregnant or planning a pregnancy, especially if your family has a history of a particular disorder then you should prefer regular monitoring of your...

Health Hazards To Watch Out For As You Give Your House A Spring Clean

Health + Wellness, Lifestyle
Whilst you are giving your house a spring clean you may be exposing yourself to unsafe levels of biological pollutants and chemicals, if you experience negative side effects during or shortly after cleaning your house you should get yourself checked out by a medical expert.  Biological Pollutants If you have not given your house a deep clean in a while your house may have a high amount of microorganisms living within which can thrive in small, isolated areas that are poorly ventilated. When you get around to giving your home a deep clean you could cause yourself to be exposed to a significant amount of bacteria at the same time, you could mitigate this risk by covering your face with a facemask whilst you are cleaning and regularly washing your hands whilst you are cleaning your house.  ...

Mental Health Tips For Managing Stress And Anxiety

Health + Wellness
Stress and anxiety are common culprits of mental health issues that plague many people. With the world moving at a breakneck pace, it's no surprise that more and more individuals are struggling to keep up with their daily lives without feeling overwhelmed by negative emotions. So, how can you manage stress and anxiety? We've got some tips that will help you take control of your mental well-being! Read on for our expert advice on managing these often-debilitating conditions. Sure, here are some mental health tips for managing stress and anxiety that are mobile-friendly Practice mindfulness meditation using a mobile app. There are many apps available that can guide you through meditation exercises, such as Headspace, Calm, and Insight Timer. These apps can help you calm your mind and r...

Simple & Effective Stress Management Techniques

Health + Wellness
Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out lately? Trust us, we've all been there! From work deadlines to personal responsibilities, it's no wonder our stress levels can skyrocket. But fear not – there are simple and effective techniques you can use to manage your stress and feel more in control of your life. In this blog post, we'll explore some tried-and-true strategies for reducing the stress that you can start using today. So take a deep breath and let's get started Stress can be overwhelming, but there are simple and effective techniques that you can use to manage it. One way is to practice deep breathing exercises. You can easily do this on the go using your mobile device by downloading a breathing app or setting a reminder to take a few deep breaths throughout the day. Anoth...

Top health and wellness benefits of using hemp in different products

Health + Wellness
Supermarkets are flooded with hemp products nowadays. Hemp is a CBD based natural product that contains a very small amount of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC is a compound that is linked to the ‘high’ factor. Unlike hemp, marijuana has a very high quantity of THC. Hemp, on the other hand, doesn’t cause psychotic effects. This is the primary reason hemp is used in the industrial production of food, health, fashion, and textile products. Humans have been using hemp for centuries in food and clothing. But nowadays, hemp and hemp-derived products are excessively used in health and wellness products. In addition, hemp has amazing health and wellness benefits for young and elderly people. Here we will explain in detail the top health and wellness benefits of hemp. Hemp as Food It is re...