Saturday, July 27

DIY: How to make Ripped Jeans

Worn and ripped jeans always feel just right. And now, they are trendier than ever. Today we are talking about how you can create stylish, in-fashion ripped jeans with what you have at home.

Step 1: Choose jeans

The first step in creating a pair of ripped jeans is of course to choose a pair of jeans that you want to “rip”. Tight or boyfriend style? Black, white or blue? High or low waist? You choose! One tip is to look through the wardrobe, it is definitely a couple at the bottom of the box that you never use. Then this is a perfect way to make them feel new and trendy again. If you want your denims to look extra worn, wash them a few times in warm water and some bleach before you begin.

Step 2: Gather your tools

Now it’s time to gather your tools! Use sandpaper, steel wool, scissors, or a knife. A smart tip might be to use a piece of cardboard or a small piece of wood inside the leg so that you do not get to the back of the jeans – if you do not want to.

Step 3: Label the jeans

Use a pen, chalk or a safety pin to mark your worn areas. It is important to do this so that you see exactly how it will be!

Step 4: Begin ripping the jeans

Lay the jeans flat and rub the highlighted areas with sandpaper or steel wool until the denim starts to get really thin and worn.

Step 5: Start making your holes

Now scrape with your scissors or knife in the area where you want your holes to be on. If you do not want holes all the way through, scrape until you see the white horizontal threads below the denim surface. If you want to show skin, cut straight through the jeans fabric and file with sandpaper at the edges or pull out threads using the knife for the best-looking wear. One tip is to wash the jeans after you’ve “ripped” them to get a natural look on them.
