Oral health should be on our priority list at any point in our lives, however, it is particularly important to pay attention to it during pregnancy. We’re here to discuss why oral health is something you should be focusing on when you’re pregnant, as well as some simple steps to help you keep yourself and your family safe. We know that there’s a lot to think about when you’re expecting, however adding this extra thing to your list will be very beneficial for your health both during and after your pregnancy. Going for regular checkups and following the guidance of your health professionals is always key, and you are entitled to free dental healthcare when you’re pregnant in the UK, so it’s definitely worthwhile making the most of it whilst you can!
So, Why Is Oral Health So Important When You’re Pregnant?
When you’re pregnant, you can be more prone to developing periodontal disease (more commonly known as gum disease), as well as cavities in the teeth, according to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. This is because when the body is experiencing hormonal changes throughout pregnancy, it can make you more vulnerable to plaque development, as well as inflammation and bleeding. You could have fantastic oral health your entire life with no issues, and then these things could arise during your pregnancy, largely that are out of your control. However, there are plenty of things you can do to make your oral health a priority, so you limit the potential of experiencing oral health issues during pregnancy, and if you do have any concerns, you know what you need to do to help resolve them.
How To Prioritise Your Oral Health When Pregnant
So, now we know why oral health is so important when pregnant, we’re here to explain the different things you can do to prioritize your oral health. From taking recommended vitamins to visiting your dentist, having thorough oral health, and eating some crunchy fruits and veg, these things can all make a real difference to make your pregnancy and your postpartum recovery much easier, without any issues with your oral health to think about.
Take The Recommended Vitamins
When you’re pregnant and regularly going to see your midwife, they will recommend the prenatal vitamins that you should be taking to protect you and your baby. These vitamins will cover all elements of your health, including your oral health, with it being recommended by the NHS that you increase your intake of things like vitamin D and folic acid. The vitamins and minerals that are recommended to you by your midwife help to provide balance and the vital nutrients that you and your baby need.
Visit Your Dentist
The most important thing you can do for your oral health (except home brushing) is to visit your dentist. As the risks of a range of dental problems increase when you’re pregnant, visiting your dentist regularly to ensure that any issues are quickly identified and resolved is so important. Even if you haven’t noticed any problems yourself, your dentist may be able to notice them sooner, so the treatment is less invasive. Not only will they be able to identify problems, but also provide advice in terms of preventative dentistry, to ensure you’re doing everything you can outside of your dental appointments to keep your teeth, mouth and gums as healthy as possible.
In the UK, you’re entitled to free dental care throughout your pregnancy and also for the year after your baby is born. This takes the financial pressure away and ensures that you get the help and advice you need for your oral health. The last thing you want when you are pregnant or have a newborn is to be worrying about oral health problems, so get your first appointment booked in (ask your midwife if you need assistance finding an NHS dentist) and you’ll feel much better for it.
Have A Thorough Oral Health Routine
Something else you should be focusing on is ensuring that you have a thorough oral health routine in place. This involves brushing twice a day with an electric toothbrush and also flossing. Your dentist will be able to give you advice specific to you to ensure you’re using the best method, not missing any areas of the teeth or that you’re using the right products. Make time for this twice a day, as it doesn’t take up much time but can make a big difference to your oral health. Drinking plenty of water is a good idea as well, to wash away any food or sugar residue from the mouth between brushes.
Eat Crunchy Fruits and Veg
Whilst this isn’t as important as the other things we’ve discussed, something that is great in general for your teeth is eating crunchy fruit and veg. Not only do they provide healthy vitamins and minerals that help your teeth and overall health, but the actual action of chewing the crunchy fruit and veg helps to clean the teeth and remove plaque buildup. This definitely doesn’t replace the need to brush and floss, however, it does help with the overall health of your teeth. Get creative with how you eat them as well, such as dipping crunchy carrots and celery into hummus or eating apple slices with peanut butter. Fruit and veg don’t have to taste boring!
Bottom Line
Overall, oral health can be compromised during the time of pregnancy, however, you can manage its effects by taking the vitamins that your midwife has recommended, regularly visiting your dentist in Leamington Spa, and also maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet. Pregnancy is one of the most important times to pay attention to your oral health, and ignoring warning signs could result in the loss of enamel. Look after your oral health the same way you nurture your body during this sensitive time.