Friday, March 14

How to Counteract and Reduce Pain in the Hip

Do you have hip pain?

You may think it’s inevitable – creaking and cracking that can come with age. Many of us feel it in our hips, the two largest ball joints in our bodies. And our hips are important. They are responsible for mobility and posture.

However, “hip pain” may be a little non-specific to your doctor. If you discuss this with your doctor, be specific about where the pain comes from and how it feels.

When it comes to the hips, pain is most common in the joint, inside of the hip or groin. Pain in the upper buttocks or outside the thigh is usually due to muscles, ligaments, tendons or other soft tissue problems. But for women, some gynecological problems can also cause hip pain.

Limited range of motion and even lameness is more than enough reason to do something about your hip pain. You have several options for dealing with hip pain:

Avoid repeated movements that aggravate your pain. If a certain exercise causes problems, try something with less effect such as cycling, walking your dog or swimming. Also try to avoid bending at the hips, sitting for a long time or sleeping on the side that is sore.


If you can, try an over-the-counter pain reliever to treat your hip pain. Medications, such as ibuprofen or Aleve, with an anti-inflammatory, can help more than Tylenol.

Ice or heat

Applying ice or heat to the area with your hip pain can also get you back on your feet sooner. For cooling, use a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel. Conversely, a hot shower or a heating pad for a few minutes can help strengthen tense muscles.

Most doctors recommend using an ice pack on the injured hip in 15-minute increments during the day. Ice can reduce inflammation and dull nerve endings, making the pain less bothersome. If you do not have an ice pack, you can use any cold, malleable object to get the same effect. Many patients use frozen vegetables or the like, although you should be careful not to thaw anything you plan to eat in the future. Ice should be applied only when wrapped in a cloth or towel, to avoid cold damage and other skin irritations.

Lose weight

It is not easy to hear, especially if you are in pain, but if you are overweight, it can put less pressure on your hips if you lose a few kilos. A well-balanced diet with vegetables and fruits along with low-impact exercise can do a world of good for your entire body, not just your joints.

If you are worried that you are on your way to a surgery, there may be hope. The best way to avoid hip replacement surgery is to become active in an exercise program. In one study, people who participated in an exercise program for 12 weeks were 44 percent less likely to need a joint replacement surgery six years later than those who did not exercise.

Relief for hip arthritis and bursitis

Although there are many causes of pain, some of the most common include arthritis and bursitis. Depending on the cause, there are different things you can do to get some relief.

Try low-impact exercises such as walking or swimming.
Think of resistance training.
Easy into a route of soft stretching.
Ask your doctor about physiotherapy.
Avoid hip pain

If you are lucky enough to have avoided hip pain so far, there are a few things to try to keep it away:

Warm up before exercising.
Avoid running on hard surfaces such as concrete.
Wear shoes that fit snugly.

It is important to have a regular exercise routine for many reasons, and reduced hip pain is one of them. If you are not currently in pain, exercise can help strengthen your muscles and increase your range of motion, allowing you to avoid this injury. If your hip pain is already present, you should consider changing your exercises to ones that are less stressful for your joints. This includes walking on a flat path or treadmill and doing yoga that does not overwhelm the hip joint. Another good way to exercise is to walk or perform aerobic exercises in shallow water, for example in a pool in a community or a recreation center.

Rest a little

It seems obvious, but many patients still need to be reminded to rest. Hip pain is a serious symptom that can be managed much more easily when you do not consistently aggravate the injury. Rest does not mean that you have to stop all activity and stay in bed, but you should limit all activity that involves moving the injured hip in a way that prevents the injury from healing. For example, an exercise that involves the hip, such as running, should be avoided. Conversely, be sure to move often enough so that your hip does not feel stiff or sore from inactivity.

Increase the damage

It is not easy to raise the hip at home, but using a recliner can help. This allows the blood to flow more easily between your hip and your heart and can reduce swelling. If you can not increase the injury, you can remove the pressure from the hip by lying on the opposite side of the body. This can prevent you from aggravating the injury while you sleep. In general, be aware of your posture and avoid positions that could strain the joint. Whenever possible, raise your leg as much as you can.

Apply heat

If you have joint pain caused by arthritis, heat will help reduce hip pain. It will feel therapeutic to take hot baths and showers, so take advantage of this cheap and easy remedy. If your hip pain is too severe to stand or sit in the tub, and you have chronic joint problems, you should consider installing a shower stool or chair. Heat pads and similar treatments can also help with joint pain caused by arthritis or injury. However, some causes can be irritated by heat. Consequently, you should talk to your doctor before using this medicine.