Saturday, September 14

Best Ways to Get More Volume in Your Hair – Tips & Guide

If your hair gets stuck in your scalp and looks flat and lifeless, it’s time to find out how you can add some much needed volume to your hair. Many people have straight and beautiful hair, but this means that volume is their biggest challenge. Fortunately, there are many steps on how to achieve more volume in your hair and make it look more vibrant.

How to add volume to the hair?

You can take a few different approaches to achieve more voluminous hair. Choosing products that are better suited to your hair type is a good start, but the real secret to full-bodied hair is how to style it.

Why is there no volume in my hair

Product build-up, grease or fine hair structure are some of the reasons why your hair lacks volume and fullness. Your hair products can weigh down your hair or your roots can only be conditioned to lie flat. Whatever the problem is, you will find a solution here.

How I get volume in my hair naturally

There are easy and accessible ways to add volume to your hair. You do not necessarily have to go to the salon or expensive treatments to give volume to your hair although this will do wonders with your hair. Here are some methods that you can follow to easily add volume to your hair.

Change your hair routine

Your hair has become accustomed to the way it is, so whether you have a side leg, a deep part or straight up in the middle – feel free to change it. Your hair will react well if you turn the hair to the opposite side or try another part.

To keep your hair flexible, I recommend that you try on different legs regularly. If you have your hair tied back while you work, do another part to give your hair the suppleness it needs.

Cut your hair shorter

Less weight equals less tension at the roots. Relieving the pressure at your roots with a hairstyle will instantly give your hair a bounce and create a full-bodied look.

Do not wash your hair as often

More volume with dirty hair? How can that be true? Yes it is. The dirtier your hair is, the more the natural oils come to the surface. You can use this to give your hair body and volume for several days after you wash it.

Many women only wash their hair two or three times a week and it is with sweaty workouts in between. You need to train your hair to get used to being washed less often, but once you are in a routine, your hair will thank you with more volume.

Get help from professionals

There is nothing that goes against a visit to the hairdresser. Especially when you come from there with lively and wonderful hair. If you have difficulty giving your hair life and volume, it is always best to turn to a professional hairdresser who has the right tricks and the right knowledge. Hair toppers can also instantly add volume to one’s hair!

If you are looking for a good hairdresser near you, the tip is to go to Google and simply search for “Hairdresser + your city”, for example:

Hairdresser Eskilstuna
Hairdresser Kalmar
Hairdresser kungsholmen


Never apply conditioner to the scalp

The hair closest to your scalp is also the healthiest and it does not need conditioner as your tops do. Adding conditioner means that you add weight to your hair through the emollients and oils that are there to add moisture.

So if you want to add volume – or even if you are – not applying conditioner to your roots is a waste of product.

Use rollers for volume

By throwing on some hot rolls, you can create waves that give volume to thin hair. Do this to make your short hair fuller and more delicious.

Comb the hair back for volume

Combing your hair backwards means combing your hair against your scalp to make the hair strands form knots and tangles. The stacks now make your hair look fluffy. While back combing works temporarily to give your hair volume, it comes with its own problems. Instead of using a fine-toothed comb that can damage your precious hair and lead to a nightmare of tangled lumps, use a large paddle brush to gently brush back the hair at the roots.

Create extra volume on your hair by brushing the hair roots down and using a hair spray to keep the soft volume you created in place before letting the rest of the hair down. Attaching the upper part of your hair helps to expose the roots. Also divide the hair into sections to make the process less complicated.

Dry hair for volume

Drying yourself to voluminous hair means that you do it in a different way than the usual method. Do it up and down. It is not necessary to stand on your head: to blow dry hair for volume, simply turn the hair upside down when you dry it. This instantly adds volume to your hair. Yes, so easy. Turning the hair upside down lifts the hair roots and thus creates more volume in the hair.

Use your dry shampoo

The hair loses its natural volume if it becomes greasy. Do not worry; there is a way to fight it. The answer is dry shampoo. You can take a preventative approach by applying a little on the hair when it has dried completely after showering.