Wednesday, March 12

The Outstanding UK Actors Of Recent Times -2022


“When I am 80 years old

And sitting in my rocking chair.

I’ll be reading Harry Potter.

And my family will say to me

“After all this time?”

And I will say,…

“Always.” ~ Alan Rickman 


There, there, ladies and gentlemen, presenting to you some of the finest actors of the Hollywood fraternity. They are not just actors, instead, all of them come from British origin. How exciting is that!


This article here covers the best of the lot. Therefore, not reading this article till the end will be a major loss, on your part. Keep scrolling through this article to know more about these actors.

Some Of The Outstanding Actors Of Recent Times

“Nothing is permanent in this wicked world

Not even our troubles.” ~ Charlie Chaplin


Here’s a list of the outstanding British actors, in recent times.*jaw dropped*

Tom Hardy

Born on the 15th of September, 1977, in London, England, United Kingdom. 


This British man also happens to be a Producer, besides being an Actor. Tom Hardy has been a relevant name in the entertainment industry for a little more than 2 decades. He is remembered for his impeccable performance in masterpieces like Inception, Venom, and The Revenant.


This ‘Virgo’ man started his career as a model, making his debut in the movies in the 2000’s. It did not take him much time to make his mark in the world of acting. It was not long before that he had become a hit, and his work was loved by all. 


Did you know? Hardy is a dedicated theater actor as well.


Benedict Cumberbatch


Born on the 19th of July, 1976, in Hammersmith, London, England.


This British man happens to be one of the most popular English actors hailing the present epoch. Cumberbatch is not just popular for his remarkable acting skills but also for his empathetic skills, which he channels in the form of charity work.


This ‘Cancer’ man was listed on the Time magazine’s list of 100 most influential people in the world, in the year 2014. In 2015, he was appointed by the charity & performing arts for their services, as the CBE.


Instead of looking for his movies on ‘fry movies net’, why don’t you look for them on .

Daniel Craig


Born on the 2nd of March,1968, in Chester, Cheshire, England.


This British man gained immense popularity and fame when he started acting as the protagonist in the James Bond Movie series. That too at the International level.


Like any other Pisces, Craig is known for his robust good looks juxtaposed well with a chafed sex appeal. 


This ‘Pisces’ man began his career as a theater actor in the 1990’s and, slowly and gradually, sailed into the world of cinema. He has also been nominated for many awards.

Charlie Chaplin


Born on the 16th of April,1889, in Walworth, London, England.


Don’t you dare forget this British man. Cinema buffs around the globe have placed this man on a pedestal. Chaplin was one of the most popular actors…A Star of the silent film era & has been regarded as the icon of comedy.


This ‘Aries’ man is remembered for his performances in classics like Modern Times and The Gold Rush. This iconic man served the duties of a Writer, Director & Producer. Alongside that of an Actor.


His demise on the 25th of December, 1977, made Christmas not so merry, for his fans, forever.

Rowan Atkinson


Born on the 6th of January,1955, in the County of Durham, England, United Kingdom.


This British comedian is known to have fans at a Global level. He gained popularity with his outstanding performance as the legendary character Mr. Bean, in the TV series Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean became so popular that the makers had to release an animated version as well. Till date, Mr. Bean- the legend as well as the TV-series, has not lost its charm.


This ‘Capricorn’ man had made his mark in the genre of comedy, in cinema, with the film Blackadder. Few other notable works would include movies like Never Say Never Again, Four Weddings, The Witches & A Funeral.

Alan Rickman



Born on the 21st of February, 1946, in Hammersmith, London, England.


This British man was one of the most admired actors among his fans, privileged with a Global recognition for his on-screen as well as stage presence.


The biggest trait of this ‘Pisces’ man was, nailing the villainous characters on-screen. Some of his notable works include masterpieces like, Die Hard, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Rasputin: Dark Servant of Destiny, &  Truly, Madly, Deeply.


However, even after his demise on the 14th of January, 2016. Rickman rules the heart of his beloved Potterheads as Professor Severus Snape.

Daniel Radcliffe


Born on the 23rd of July,1989 in London, England


This British Actor requires no introduction, literally. Radcliffe has gained International fame for his impeccable performance in the Harry Potter movie series, while still a child. More than an adaptation, Harry Potter was Radcliffe’s personal bildungsroman. 


This ‘Leo’ man is not just an Actor but a Producer as well, who has made his mark in the entertainment industry for almost 20 years now. He is one of the highest paying actors as well. The credit of which goes to Harry Potter, obviously. 


Radcliffe is an ardent supporter of the LGBTQA+ community and works towards preserving their rights , while contributing to various charities.



Talking about these beautiful British men who happen to be fine actors, got me all giddy. Now, don’t get me started on how difficult it was. To just talk about a few and leave out on the rest. How unfair!


Although,  in the above article, I have tried my best to feature, at least the major ones. I bet you guys have got a lot on your mind. What are you doing? 


Share the list of your favorite British men. Opps, Actors! With us in the comments section below. We’d love to hear from you.


Author Bio:

Chris Blair, a freelance writer. He is loving every bit of it. His niches are marketing, lifestyle, wellness, travel and entertainment. Apart from writing, Chris loves to travel, binge-watch, research conspiracy theories, Instagram and overthink. Now he is a valuable contributor of Glittern Glue, 7 best things Lawyer Snote, I Dream Agency, Get Me Seen