Friday, March 14

Make Up And Hide Facial Wounds – How To Do It!

Literally every dermatologist ever says that you should not squeeze your pimples. But we are all human, and sometimes the urge to squeeze pimples takes over all other instincts.

But the other thing that happens after you pinch a pimple is a wound / mark. They are your skin’s natural way of healing itself. They are also not exactly the most beautiful to look at. Whether you have a sore or a pinched pimple on your face, you may want to try removing makeup to get a flawless look.

Then you have come to the right place, because in this article we show you exactly how you can cover all sores on your face in the best way.

Cleanse and moisturize the skin as normal

In fact, one of the most important things you can do to hide a wound is to cleanse your skin before applying a single makeup product. After cleansing, it is recommended to apply a substantial amount of your favorite moisturizer over the wound to moisturize it to the core and help it look less dry and cracked.

Whatever you do, do not poke the wound. You really want to resist the urge so that it does not get worse. It can be tempting to poke at it but whatever you do, resist.


Do not skip this step. A thin application of primer helps all other make-up to glide on flawlessly by filling in all the fine lines and stiffness from a wound or mark.

Hide your wound mark

Using the pointed end of a Beauty Blender, lightly press the concealer to cover the mark. Liquid or mousse is best. Powder will make the mark or wound drier and more visible.

If your wound also happens to be super red, you should first cover it with a green color-correcting concealer. The green actually interrupts the angry red color underneath. Just remember that when it comes to green concealer, less is more. Then top with your usual skin-colored concealer as usual.

Apply foundation

Just like if you covered over another stain, apply foundation after your concealer and not before. This is to even things out. We recommend that you use a full coverage foundation rather than a cleaner option to make sure the brand is well hidden.

And since you have already used concealer, there is no need to go overboard with your foundation. The last thing you want is for it to cook up over your wound and draw even more attention to it.

Hide a little more

If you find that your brand is still visible, use a precision protective brush to apply a little extra moisturizing concealer.

Scarring itself is difficult to deal with. Especially if the scar is noticeable somewhere. For example, a scar on the face can really affect a person’s daily lifestyle. A scar in a place where everyone can see it all the time can make someone extremely self-conscious.

Before there is a scar, there is a wound. We know that wounds have a healing process and that every little step from start to finish is important for the best possible results. Obstructing your body’s natural ability to heal can lead to infection and further irritation of the wound, increasing the chance of retaining deficiencies. In the face, minimizing such deficiencies is usually a high priority.

Why you should not apply makeup on an open wound

The most important time to keep the wound free of infection is when it is still open. Your open skin must be kept as clean as possible so that the healing process continues as efficiently as possible. Applying anything other than an antibacterial agent during this phase can prolong the healing process and cause a number of problems.

Although it is very tempting, it is not good to use makeup during this phase because it contains a lot of chemicals that when applied to an open wound can cause damage, irritation, and slow healing. Makeup is also a source of bacteria because tubes and bottles cannot be kept completely free of bacteria. If you continue to cover your open or healing wound with makeup before it heals, the scar that follows is probably worse than originally possible.

How to know if your skin is infected

Skin sores can develop a number of different infections. If you have already applied makeup on an open wound and are worried that you already have an infection, it is important to treat this infection. Some signs to look for:

Do you experience increased pain in the injured area? If so, look for other signs of infection such as excess redness spreading from the injured area.

Is the wound starting to swell? This is important if you have already had the wound for a long time. The initial swelling is normal, but weeks after receiving the wound, the swelling should disappear. The time it takes for the wound to stop swelling will depend on the size of the original wound. However, it should be fairly obvious if the initial swelling is gone and swelling due to infection develops.

Are there red lines from the affected area? If it is red around the wound on your skin, this is another sign of infection.
Is it from the damaged area? If so, you probably have an infection.  From the affected area is one of the easiest ways to know if you have an infection.

Finally, if you experience a fever and have a new wound, the wound can become infected. Major infections can cause high fever.

Tips to hide and make up facial wounds

Fortunately, with today’s treatments and techniques, there are several ways to reduce the noticeability of scars. It is in your best interest to leave your damaged area alone while it heals and wait until it is a scar to start trying to cover it. It is best to accept that while your skin is healing, the area will be noticeable, especially if it is on the face. But if you allow the healing process to take place without obstructing it with makeup, you will be left with a much healthier scar that can be further reduced.

Once your wound has been closed and your skin has healed, a little makeup or covering can actually help your scar. If you start using makeup with SPF in it, your scar can benefit from this protection from the sun. UV rays from the sun can cause hyperpigmentation in the skin around the scar, making your scar more noticeable.

Foundation of your skin before applying any makeup is a good idea, especially if you cover a scar. Silicone scar gel can act as a primer and help reduce scarring. Alternatively, there are several primers on the market that contain high levels of vitamin C, which is incredibly effective in encouraging collagen levels in the skin. Producing new collagen helps replace the collagen that has broken down due to skin damage. By using a primer, it is ensured that the scar can continue to heal properly even if its noticeability is reduced through make-up.